Urban Performances

Spring 2018. I made urban performance at the Lesnoe cemetery (Kyiv) as soon as the snow melted. Idea was to look for the grave of my grandmother. I did not know where my parents are buried her, but in my childhood I was at my grandfather's grave (it's double tomb) and theoretically had to remember the path.
searching movement via GPS was showing on site http://danvoronov.com/prj/whereismygranny/
in real-time. It
is create abstract paintings like figures. Else it is
visual representation of my thought process.

Anyone could join and walk with me, but only if our conversation is live broadcasting. It was interesting to discuss family topics and death. I recorded almost the entire five-hour performance on the audio and i will use this material in my future artworks.

You can read full analysis and see video segments in a article (rus lang)
I feel no love
Performance was initiated by deep feelings how
much public spaces in Kyiv (in
contrast to Europe) are unfriendly to
- people vote on my Facebook profile for the most unfriendly public place in Kyiv (beside Central Train Station)
- create Telegram chat (link https://t.me/joinchat/DHzlu1DxHa5ilh3au6phDQ ) to described/broadcast my feelings
- go to most votes locations - path from the Bessarabka Market to Independence square.
- use
standard accounter notebook in which
- when
I stopped I made the recording of my feelings in the
form of text drawing over the pattern phrase "(the
date of one year in advance) i feel no love"

- in chat I wrote a voice memos about feelings and observations.

You can see all materials and read full analysis in the following article (rus lang)
Who will come?
2017. It was my first urban
I invented this term to describe sequence of
independent artist's actions in public space that in
whole create artistic statement.
Performance was based on my reaction to the friend's
question "What would be if you sit down in a cafe and
write to social network "I'm in a cafe, come.".
So I think about conception "society of
spectators". I will create in a cafe non-theater
From 16:00 to 18:00 I was sitting in the cafe (Podil district, Kyiv) and drew attention to the people around me.
I wrote in my notebook some phrase of what i hear with blue pen and my feelings / impressions / comments with color markers.

When i started i posted my location. People were asked in Facebook to chose from three scenarios:
- come
and interrupt me with talking and tea
- come and sit silently watching the people with me
- come, sit down at the next table and become "actor" to my observations.
But no one had come.
And it is became one of causes for the next work "I feel no love"
Good New Year 2017
31, 2016. Meeting of the new year.
I decided to make a solo flogging at midnight at the randomly chosen public place in Kyiv.
Since the point was known publicly everyone could join me (and nobody has come).

To find GPS coordinates of point I fixed running through the city axis 50.413948 and collecting fractional numbers of the second axis 30.smth thru Facebook comments in my profile.
As a result, there was a point near the bridge:

in advance It is turned out there is fence of bridge's
protection zone.
realized that point can be reached either along the
train's rails (very bad idea) or almost along the fence
at the bottom of the mound.
to the point it turned out the mound has risen even
higher and the slope was very slippery. And there is
snow everywhere.

I climbed up and rolled down
(1) 2017 had began according to the salute's sound and
(2) the security man came from the other side of the
fence with the words "where you going?" and not becoming
happy by my answer "Happy New Year! you too"
going away from him to the safe distance I set up the
camera but there was poor light conditions anywhere.

There I took off some of my clothes and ended performance with excellent self flogging.