Contemporary Theater
2017. I created an open art platform and invite everybody to work together with drama text "UFO" by Ivan Vyrypaev.
Play covers topics of deep emotions and spirituality. I wanted to create something more than just a theater performance. The text itself is modular, so it's give some freedom of collaboration. Each fragment has its own atmosphere.

Beside coordination I compose music and do butoh solo dancing in some parts.
Video art projection was made by Anna Tykha. Design was made by Irina Vale – all graphics, facebook cover and posters, as well as graphic representation on each piece with quotes.
Drama reading's actors (Khomutova Maria, Anastasia Andrienko, Alexander Bykov) was directed by Dmitry Zakhozhenko.
Performed at:
(1) Ukraine, Nemeshaevo. Summer theaters festival. Near the remnants of the estate Osten Sacken. (without projection)

(2) Ukraine, Kyiv. Public park "Samosad" on Podil. We use the tree as a stage and screen for projection.

(3) Kyiv, GogolFest 2017. Arch-squat. Stairs (intentionally).

There are no video records.
Documentary theater
of displaced people (UA)

I and dramaturg Julia Gonchar made one of four documentary stories in a modular show-project "Kyiv of mine?" (2016), Theater of displaced people.
idea of this theater is to give voice to the displaced
people in Ukraine during war conflict with Russian. I
wanted to find musician so we began searching through
social networks.
And have found Andrei, very positive person, who have already anti-war song about peace on youtube.

So then we identified three key themes and It became clear to me (there was a train stations, traveling) that I want to reconstruct atmosphere of train during the story and song. I used the projection (like window) and sound from Kiev Urban Rail.

video on youtube
the homeless world
Autumn 2015.
with Julia Gonchar
from idea "what think about success unsuccessful
people". We decided to ask homeless people. Fist
interview was held in Kyiv.

Second in Germany. We used the same questions. Technically, a woman with whom Julia spoke, do not live on the street. The government gives to her room in hostel. And to the end, we have translated the questionnaire on English and our friend did the third interview in London, UK.
I re-imagine texts to one situation's final version of
the play in
diaries" by Natalia Vorozhbyt
December 2013. During Maidan revolution events in Kyiv I involved in project with interviewing people for the future documentary theater verbatim performance.

Also I got partially used material for my play "Porridge from Yanukovych" (2014).
Participation in the readings
I was one of the performers in dramaturgy reading by
director Dima
Zahozhenko at the small stage of the national Franko
Theater (Kyiv).

Drama Theater
2010 the "New Drama" movement started in
At that time I wrote quite a lot of texts, the most successful of which are: "To Wild East" (2016), "ZHER7VA" (2015), "Fifth taste" (2015), "FOR-WHAT" (2014, facebook ) "Washout" (2014, read ), "Porridge from Yanukovych" (2014 read ), "Marriage / Life failed" (2013 read ), "Split" (2013, read , download ), "Dream" (2011 read ) .
project "FOR-WHAT"
(2014) was designed and created as a Facebook
Public, where I publish all the new parts.

Three of my plays have been on the short list of the festival "Week of actual play" ( fb ) and were presented in the form of actors readings in theaters and at the Goethe Institute.

- In 2016 my third successful play "To Wild East" was read at the festival and in PostPlayTeater, Kiev (dir. Dima Zahozhenko). Also there was reading in Lviv.

- In 2014 my second successful play "WASHOUT" was read at the festival and at the Dovzhenko cinema studio (dir. Andrei Litvinenko).

- In 2013 there was "Split" reading at the festival.
A video reading "Split" at the Young Theater, Video of reading "WASHOUT" at Dovzhenko. Video of reading "To Wild East" at PostPlayTheatr.
Kyiv, 2014. I organized a drama lab "Dialogues about Dramaturgy" - place where anyone can learn how to write a mini-play (my idea as a short film relating to the great movie). I also wrote a series of mini-plays and we had a final reading-and-graduation in the cafe "Vagabond".